Discovered by Charles Messier on February 19, 1771.
Sweep 154 (May 11, 1828)
RA 12h 21m 7.3s, NPD 81d 3' 33" (1830.0)
Seen in strong twilight; a very good obs of place; has a * 13 m 0deg f; 60".
Seen in strong twilight; a very good observation of the place; has a star of
13 m at 0 deg following [exactly to the East]; 60" [diameter ? distance of
star ?]
Sweep 250 (April 17, 1830)
RA 12h 21m 8.1s, NPD 81d 4' 6" (1830.0)
v B; R; v s b M; 2' diam; a * 4.0s f
Very bright; round; very suddenly brighter toward the middle; 2' diameter;
a star 4.0s following [to the East]
Sweep 253 (April 24, 1830)
RA 12h 21m 8.7s, NPD 81d 3' 57" (1830.0)
eB; L; R; p s m b M; insensibly fading away, has a * 13 m f; by diag
the star is just beyond the nebula.
Extremely bright; large; round; pretty suddenly much brighter toward the
middle; insensibly fading away, has a star of 13 m following [to the East];
by diag the star is just beyond the nebula.
Sweep 252 (April 20, 1830)
RA 12h 21m 10.1s::, NPD 81d 3' 43" (1830.0)
B; L. Cloudy.
Bright; large. Cloudy [weather].
Last Modification: March 29, 2005