Discovered by Charles Messier on August 10, 1773.
Independently rediscovered by Caroline Herschel on August 27, 1783.
[On a drawing of M31 and companions published 1807] Messier 1773. Petite Nebuleuse, plus faible. (Small nebula, very faint.)
[1785. PT LXXV=75, p. 213-266; here p. 262]
".. There is a very considerable, broad, pretty faint, small nebula near it
[M31]; my Sister [Caroline] discovered it
August 27, 1783, with a Newtonian 2-feet sweeper. It shews the same faint
colour with the great one, and is, no doubt, in the neighborhood of it. It
is not [M32] ..; but this is about two-thirds of
a degree north preceding it, in a line parallel to Beta and Nu Andromedae."
Last Modification: October 29, 2006