Karl Ludwig Harding (September 29, 1765 - August 31, 1834)

Harding's Deepsky Discoveries

In the Astronomisches Jahrbuch for 1927, Karl Ludwig Harding gives a list of nebulae he had discovered during his sky surveys ["Durchmusterungen"] (Harding 1824). We have added modern identifications in the last column. Harding writes (translated from German):

During my surveys of the sky I have found the following nebulae, which seem to be not yet known:

                                                         [Modern ID, Discoverer]
1. AR. 117:30  Dec. -10: 5  on No. III of my Atlas        NGC 2506  H 6.37
2.     245:25       -12:35         VII                    M107      Méchain
3.     262: 5       - 3:15         VII                    M 14      Messier
4.     334:30       -21:45         IX                     NGC 7293  !
5.     106:35       +14:12         XII                    NGC 2355  H 6.6
6.     301:20       +25:40         XVII                   NGC 6882  H 8.22
7.     293:40       +39:53         XXV                    NGC 6819  !
8.     299:20       +43:45         XXV                    NGC 6866  H 7.59
Note: An exclamation mark maks an original discovery by Harding.



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